Litter Robot 3 Web App

The Litter Robot is a great piece of equipment. The best part is I don't have to scoop poop. Unfortunately, the only way to view the Litter Robot status is via the mobile app, Whisker does not have a web portal. However, I found out Home Assistant supported Litter Robot, and that used an undocumented Whisker API. I decided to start building a web application with a Spring Boot back end and React front end to proxy requests to this API.

I only have one Litter Robot 3, so I initially coded everything to support only this use case. However, I realized that other people with more cats may have multiple robots, so I changed how the UI worked to support multiple Litter Robot 3s for a single user.

The web app is currently designed to be run on a trusted local network, on a home server or Raspberry Pi.

I hope this is useful for others, as it has been useful for me. 😀


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