
Litter Robot 3 Web App

The Litter Robot is a great piece of equipment. Sure, the best part is I don't have to scoop poop. However, I also don't have to guess how many times my cat is using her litter box. Back in 2022, I noticed our cat had used her litter box 15 times in the past 12 hours, which was concerning for her. My wife took her to the vet, and while it wasn't anything serious that time, it was great to be able to get out in front of any potential health issues. Since this happened, my wife now is wanting to know how the cat is doing, and I'm the only one with the Whisker app installed on my phone. Whisker did not have a web portal to check this, but I found out Home Assistant supported Litter Robot, and that used an undocumented Whisker API. I decided to start building a web application with a Spring Boot back end and React front end to proxy requests to the API. I only have one Litter Robot 3, so I initially coded everything to support only this use case. However, I realized that ot

Rebalancing Mutual Funds

I want to talk about mutual funds today. Let's say that you want you want to have 20% of your money in fund ABC and 80% of your money in fund XYZ. Great. You have $1,000 to invest, and you put $200 in ABC and $800 in XYZ and call it a day. However, after a few months (or even a few days), your ABC investment is now worth $300 and your XYZ investment is worth $750. You wanted a 20%-80% split, and now you have 28.6%- 71.4% instead. Fear not. You can rebalance! This means you can choose to either: Sell $90 of ABC and buy $90 of XYZ. This will bring you back to 20%-80% ($210 & $840). Buy a higher amount of XYZ the next time you invest to bring it closer to your 80% target. Option 1 can be more straightforward, but if this account is not a tax-advantaged retirement account, this may result in having to pay capital gains taxes at that time. Option 2 is requires some more calculating, but avoids sells that could result in taxable gains. I ran into this problem with accounts I manage m

DIY Dynamic DNS Using Netlify API

I don't really need to send many calls back to my network at my house when I am away, but when I want to show someone the progress we are making on the family Minecraft Christmas village, it is nice to be able to call to a Mapcrafter server at my house. This is the current family Minecraft Christmas Village. The image is generated by Mapcrafter using this group of Bash scripts. Now I don't have a business internet line at my house, so my IP can change theoretically at any time. I have looked at a  few services offering Dynamic DNS, however, some didn't fit my needs. Also they all cost money, and my preference would be to not spend any money if I don't have to. I found some projects on Github that communicate with the Netlify API using an access token to update the domain entry dynamically, however, I had issues with the projects I tried . I wanted to stick to apt for installing software, I didn't want to install Docker, and some of the domain updates were lea